Friday, December 11, 2009

Oprah's New Year Beauty Recommendations

I have to admit, I do not always subscribe to the O! Magazine beauty recommendations, most are really pricey and not that accessible. I think Ms. O forgets who her audience is....
Never the less, the "Best Face (and Body!) Forward" has some selections that I can stand behind. Although I am a die hard Cetaphil fan, I have several friends who swear by the Aveeno cleanser's, Oprah's editors agree they are backing the Moisturizing Cream Cleanser in the line. As far as sunscreen goes LaRoche-Posay has been touted for a while now as a leader in the industry, Oprah agrees. Eucerin Calming Body Wash is also a great procuct for the Winter months, very moisturizing. As far as a blush, the editor's of O recommend the new Benefit "One Hot Minute", I can't wait to try it!!! I have seen it in several magazines and websites, not to mention the history that Benefit has with making your skin look amazing! Ring in the New Year with some new beauty goodies. Find these products at,, and other mass retailers. Benefit products can be found at,, and